S6 had more problems than Spuffy, but killing Spike would have been a good start. Killing him in a Jenny Calendar way, that is, not a they-killed-Kenny way.
If you killed Spike, who would make the most interesting story as his killer? Buffy? Willow? Xander? Drusilla? Angel? Faith?
Any of them would have been equally boring. The character outlived his usefulness and killing him would have been necessary, not interesting. Spike needed killing and the writers just wouldn't do it.
The Sunnydale Poetry Slam runner-up. "Effulgent?! Bulge in 't?!! Arrggghhh!"<POOOF!!>
Any of them would have been equally boring. The character outlived his usefulness and killing him would have been necessary, not interesting. Spike needed killing and the writers just wouldn't do it.
So blase, Narrator? It doesn't inspire any narrative intrigue at all?
The Sunnydale Poetry Slam runner-up.
Now see? That's entertainment.
If you killed Spike, who would make the most interesting story as his killer?
If it had been pre finding out about the attempted rape (while she still trusted him), I vote Dawn.
Throw in Dawn dies too, and they should film it and show it every Christmas.
So blase, Narrator? It doesn't inspire any narrative intrigue at all?
Yeah, and I'm sad about it, too. Because killing a character like that ought to be compelling and pull the narrative/character arcs/etc. forward. But I so didn't care about Spike by the end of the show that I didn't care if he lived, died (again) or opened an office supply store in Las Vegas. I suppose that Xander should have been the one to stake him -- that boy wanted to stake Angel and I guess, maybe, Spike would do. So, fine -- I choose Xander to stake Spike. Or to screw him. I dunno, whatever.
I wouldn't have minded a "Xander kills Spike and must hide his awful secret" storyline.
I dimly remember there being foilers about Drusilla killing Spike at some point. That would have been funny. It was something like, at the end of the episode, Spike is talking to someone when he suddenly crumbles to dust, which reveals Dru standing behind him with a stake.
I would have liked to see him trip and stake himself on a broken chair or something.
It'd be a nice change of pace to see the scenery chew him.