How would they know in either case? Looks like she died in the portal though, what with the being wracked painfully by supernatural energies.
Especially with the sureptitious burial. Not a lot of examination time, I'll wager.
'Bring On The Night'
Is it better the second time around? Or the third? Or tenth? This is the place to come when you have a burning desire to talk about an old episode that was just re-run.
How would they know in either case? Looks like she died in the portal though, what with the being wracked painfully by supernatural energies.
Especially with the sureptitious burial. Not a lot of examination time, I'll wager.
Why would you presume she'd have to tamper with their minds to get them to go along? It really doesn't seem out of character for Xander and Tara to defer to her in Giles' absence.Did you read the whole thing, Hec? I don't think she put the whammy on their minds. I don't necessarily think she would have had to manipulate them *in order to* get them to go along, but she did manipulate them, seemingly in order to ensure they kept going along.
I saw the text and she was manipulative. I'm not assessing her motives, just giving a (text-based) reading of her actions. I'm not presuming.
She withheld information, like where and how she got the Vino de Madre, that she knew what it was, and what it actually was. She (and Tara, Xander, and Anya) also purposefully kept Giles, Spike and Dawn in the dark. She may have actually lied about the Vino de madre. I can't remember if it involved an outright lie, or just that she withheld information.
Where's CSI? Oh, wait, wrong network.
Crossover!! CSI:Sunnydale. The neck ruptures could get redundant, though.
The neck ruptures could get redundant, though.
yeah, but if would be fun seeing them come up with new and interesting explanations. Remember the barbecue fork?
I still think that a fun Angel episode or bit would have been a demon psychologist. And I mean a psychologist who counsels demons, none of this Tish M'gev business, just a regular office with a receptionist, etc.
but if would be fun seeing them come up with new and interesting explanations.
It's always going to come back to "PCP; gang-related" though.
So if she was being manipulative, it was on the hell dimension argument. And that's possible. Willow should have known that there were a lot of dimensions out there, and not all of them were hell-y (remember the "world without shrimp"?).
I'm no defender of Willow generally, but I can see where they went down this road without thinking it through, on the theory that "sucked into" doesn't imply a happy place. Especially when the whole thing was orchestrated by Glory, and with the examples they had of things coming out of the rift.
Angel dust!
They really did have every reason to think she was in a hell dimension. Because her being in a heaven dimension under the circumstances a universe with a modicum of justice - which under the circustances did not mesh with their experiences.
Angel dust!
Depending on how events after NOT FADE AWAY turned out, that could be literally so.