You don't think Wes is your blindspot?
Nope. Wes was fucked up, and that made him all the more interesting, but he brought it on himself, and was on occasion just creepy.
Connor, however, would have been just fine had he been given soup and a hug instead of something real. Damn it.
How about the attempted murder of Spike, which, had it occurred, would have prevented the saving of the world.
Psh. Souled Champion Vampires grow on trees. Can always get another one in a pinch.
Or, which character do you, dear Reader, have a blindspot for?
I want to say Spike, but as CIndy said earlier, I don't think I have a blindspot so much as an "I don't care" spot. I see his flaws just fine, and they make him that much more interesting to me. Giles was my other choice, but again, I think his flaws, if that's what they are (as opposed to moments of bad judgment), contribute to his character's evolution. So no real blindspot there.
An anti-blindspot character would probably be Anya. I wanted to like her so much more than I did -- and she had both amusing and touching moments -- but the way she was written got progressively more caricatured. I like S3 Anya the most, I guess. A lot bitter, a lot jaded, not so much willing as resigned to trying on the whole human thing. What happened to her? She was potentially much more interesting than the Anya of S5 and S6. I got a glimpse of her in Selfless, but it was too little, too late.
yes, normal Connor is okay. I especially loved the "You stop by for coffee and the world's not ending? Please." Although I disliked him intensely until that point.
I'm just going to nod as Vortex speaks for me on this. I really just felt no love and a lot of loathe for Connor until his brief foray into two S5 eps. Those proved that it was definitely the character and not the actor that twigged me.
Are you chastising fandom for being internally inconsistent, or are you succumbing to the urge to do same thing?
More the former. I personally wasn't upset with Giles, nor did I dislike the character. I just thought it exemplified the blindspottiness of the culture.
I don't think I've blindspotted -- well, maybe Lindsey. But when my efforts to keep enjoying them as I like them most, I just shrug and say "Well, Spike up through season 4." I liked the bad stuff about the characters I like the most.
ita is me in this regard. Willow and Angel were my favorite characters, but I was fully aware of their (demonstrated) potential for ruthless cruelty and morally questionable decisions, and enjoyed watching them make mistakes. I suppose if one expanded the definition of blindspot to include characters that one completely does not get the appeal of, Andrew would be mine.
Spike and DisCordy were my big anti-blindspot characters, though a huge chunk of fandom was with me on the latter.
First with the cruciamentum and second with siccing Principal Hottie on Spike.
I forgive the cruciementarium (or whatever it was) because he did the right thing in the end. And it made Buffy realize just how much she meant to Giles. "Your feelings for your charge are as a father's love for a child." I remember how Buffy's eyes got large as she realized that Giles had compromised everything that he (had) believed in for her. *sniff*
The Spike thing was . . . ill advised.
What blind spot?
See, the Spike thing, to me, was after the "Who is this and what have they done with Giles"-ness. I just don't get the line that got him to there (as opposed to, say, Willow, who had an arc that made sense in where she ended up)
Connor, however, would have been just fine had he been given soup and a hug instead of something real. Damn it.
Which is sort of born out by my very much liking Normal!Well-Adjusted!Connor, as one imagines N!W-A!Connor got plenty of soup and hugs growing up.
Psh. Souled Champion Vampires grow on trees. Can always get another one in a pinch.
See, the Spike thing, to me, was after the "Who is this and what have they done with Giles"-ness. I just don't get the line that got him to there
I was really starting to buy into the the "It's actually Ethan" line after just a couple of episodes with Pod!Giles.
See, the Spike thing, to me, was after the "Who is this and what have they done with Giles"-ness. I just don't get the line that got him to there
And was consistant with his characterization in "Helpless." Also the same Giles that killed Ben. Same Watcher training that had Wesley sending peons to their death in Pylea.
I'm racking my brains, and I have no idea what "the Spike thing" was. Someone refresh me? What season are we talking about?