Personally, I believe that Anya went to a good place for her, whether it's called Valhalla, heaven, hell, or the universe with no shrimp.By Buffyverse rules, this is what I think would have happened, too.
Is it better the second time around? Or the third? Or tenth? This is the place to come when you have a burning desire to talk about an old episode that was just re-run.
Personally, I believe that Anya went to a good place for her, whether it's called Valhalla, heaven, hell, or the universe with no shrimp.By Buffyverse rules, this is what I think would have happened, too.
Not to sidetrack the heaven or hell conversation, but does Buffy ever have a prophetic dream after WttH? I mean, it's supposed to be part of the Slayer package: Movie!Buffy had it, TV! Buffy has it in WttH and Fray not having it is a major plot point so I'm wondering why it was more or less dropped. (Other than oddly morphing, in Fray and Buffy 7 to some kind of subconcious link to the past Slayers).
She had several. There was one in Hush.
And I feel like a dolt for forgetting about the one in Hush. Nevermind, then.
She had prophetic dreams all the time, and they were fairly major plot points in "Nightmares"/"Prophecy Girl," "When She was Bad," "Surprise," "Graduation Day," and "Restless."
They had dropped off considerably by Hush, and I can't think of many after that..
Hmm. Did she have one about Dracula specifically? I don't think she ever dreamed about Glory. And I'm pretty sure there were none in Season 6, though I thought at the time that must be a consequence of her resurrection.
There were Dracula dreams, but I am not sure if they came from him or from her Spidey sense.
Restless was the last major dream. In season 5, the dream or two she had seemed to be connected to Faith, or wait, was it Faith who had the dreams. Ugh, now I'm all jumbled.
Perkins, what was her Drac dream? I remember Drac echoed Tara's "You think you know..." lines, but I don't remember the Drac dream. He actually did come into her room when she was sleeping.
For season six, she had dreams in Dead Things, but I'm not sure if they were caused by whatever mojo the nerds were messing with, or if they were supposedly prophetic or also supposedly prophetic. She had a dream or two in season 7, also, right?