I have quite a few plates on my walls. I think they'll look cool, Allyson. The way plate hangers [link] work, I'd think you could probably take a few turns of wire around the hanger and the nail or hanging hook on the wall and make them completely earthquate proof.
t says the person who's never lived in earthquake country
I experienced some table saw kick-back. I have a 1x4 shaped scrape and bruise to the palm of my hand. I only bled a little though.
Ow, Aurelia. I'm glad it wasn't serious.
Have I mentioned chainsaws freak me out, as does anything about hands getting cut?
Amazing how sticking your hand in a blender can stay with you.
Amazing how sticking your hand in a blender can stay with you.
So can sticking your foot under a lawn mower.
Note to self: Traumatic amputation is a threadkiller. Also... a good band name.
Does this mean you are going to change your name too?
Free pictures are a thread-cracker-open? eta: or not.
I made this screen cap Tara/Miss Kity Fantastico Collage on a studying tangent. It makes a lovely desktop, so I thought I'd share.
No name change for me. I'm sort of attached to aurelia.
Crap! Poor Emmett! I hope he's well enough to love baseball again, and soon.