No name change for me. I'm sort of attached to aurelia.
Natter 33 1/3
Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.
Crap! Poor Emmett! I hope he's well enough to love baseball again, and soon.
Alias - uh, did they ever actually say the name of the character that Sonia Braga was playing?
Not enough Spy!Daddy -- although that scene between Jack and Marshall where Marshall tells him that Vaughn asked him to lunch was priceless.
sumi, Marshall's delivery was so absolutely perfect. The two of them together just crack me up; there doesn't even have to be dialogue . I taped the ep because I was being distracted by other things and knew I'd have to rewatch to catch the subtitles.
Alias-- yeah, that was totally the third derevko, though, Vaughn's father is now involved? Give me a break.
Oh, and I want to be the first to call total La Femme Nikita homage!
Final update: Emmett is on his way to his mom's house with lots of Tylenol. Hec is headed back here for a well-deserved stiff drink. The mom of the kid who threw the baseball called to check in; her son was completely distraught and needed reassurance that Emmett was going to be okay and didn't hate him. We had a good talk about kid injuries and guilt and worry and how nasty-yet-common it is to take a baseball in the face at least once in one's lifetime, and then both of us 'fessed up to actually being stepmothers, and then she went off to comfort her boy and I went off to fix Hec's drink and get it chilling in the freezer, and there we are.
There's probably much more to the story, but it's really Hec's story to tell.
And aurelia, owtch. Apparently March has enough pain for everyone, lucky us.
eta: Alibelle, you're a liar. I mean, I'm sure you are telling the truth about having broken your nose, but I've seen your nose in person. I've eaten dinner with your nose. I feel fully qualified to pass judgment on the aesthetics of your nose, and I say that it is STILL a perfect nose.
bonbon - Alias, yes that is exactly the confirmation I was hoping for. . . I just didn't want to re-watch tonight.
My Alias issue:
I just don't care about Nadia's backstory. IS this a result of Jennifer Garner hurting her back? though I'm happy to hear lots of Spanish because it helps me study. Ah, yes the missing Derevko, Elena. I was spoiled and knew she'd be arriving. So, huh.
Poor Emmett's nose! But in a couple of days, it won't hurt anymore, but he might still have tough-looking black eyes. So there's that.
Do you know what is not fun? Being covered in your child's blood.
So. I was running the practice because our Manager was out of town. I had fleeting thoughts all week of: "I hope nobody gets hurt on my watch." And while I had been disappointed at our other practices which had been rained out, I was even more disappointed that this afternoon turned sunny. But I shook it off and ran the practice.
We warmed up, stretched, played catch. Took infield, and I had runners during that so they could practice their throws to all bases.
Then I figured we'd have batting practice with coach pitching first, then a round with kid pitching since that's what they'd face in the practice game this Saturday.
Emmett got to hit last at our previous practice so I let him hit first here. I had a runner back behind him (clear of immediate foul ball territory), with a helmet on, running the bases as he had his ten hits. Emmett stroked some nice line drives into the outfield. Then he was the runner and Josh was the hitter. About halfway into Josh's hitting, he hit a soft grounder to the second baseman, Noah. Noah has a strong arm, but it's a little erratic. Emmett booked down the line, got to first, looked up, and took the ball square in the face.
I think that's what happened anyway - I don't think I saw the actual event, I was pitching the BP, and turned as he screamed. And screamed and screamed. And blood was pouring out. And Noah was distraught.
I picked Emmett up and tried to calm him down, presuming it was a bloody nose. It hurts a lot to get hit in the nose. The local security guard for University Village heard the screams and came over. He asked if he needed to call an EMT. I started to say No, and Rob - the other coach, who could see Emmett's face while I held him said - his nose is really swelling up. I pulled Emmett back to look and it was obviously broken. The swelling was very wide, stretching his nose almost to the middle of his eyes. It didn't look good at all.
The paramedics showed up almost immediately - their station house is very close to his school. They mostly wanted to make sure there was no concussion.
We rode in the paramedic truck to the hospital, and Emmett had already completely calmed down. He was quiet though, as he held the ice bag to his face. So the paramedic kept chatting him up, asking "What position do you play?" Which is a tricky question because in Double-A nobody has a set position - everybody plays a variety of positions. This turned out to be a running joke for the evening because just about every medical person we saw, doctor and nurse, asked him about his position and he had to explain the whole long complicated "Well, I play catcher, and pitcher and shortstop..."
The supervising doctor at Children's Hospital saw him as he was wheeled in, took one look and just said, "it's a broken nose." We got a room immediately though. I washed him off, cleaned up the blood on his face and hands. His Mom showed up, took one look at his nose and started crying. Which made him cry. I quickly squelched that emotional moment: "Emmett, the last thing you want to do with a broken nose is start crying. It'll make your nose run and it'll hurt and it'll swell up and you'll get congested. So...try to get calm." I sent his Mom to a corner and she got her composure. We hung out reading the kids books and Emmett started to talk. He wasn't hurting. The ice brought the swelling down quite a bit. Still, it was very sad to look at his handsome face with the nose all distorted. ("Saddle deformity" as the second doctor said. Which just was swollen evenly and hadn't pushed to one side. More likely a fracture.)
Anyway. After form filling out (which the nurse did very quickly and efficiently), the young guy doctor came in. Looked up his nose. Started talking about "The plastic and the ENT" and "make a decision about what's necessary for the proper cosmetic repair" that my stomach started churning.