The Jamaican versions have no garlic and cayenne.
Just the pulp from the pod (which is very sour and sticky and is used in Asian cuisine) with sugar pressed into it.
It's dee-lightful.
I've had them with pepper (black or cayenne) and salt, and the savoury addition doesn't work for me at all.
I was basing my sweeping generalization on this recipe: [link]
Do the Tamarinds attack when provoked?
WHEN TAMARINDS ATTACK!, this fall on Fox.
WHEN TAMARINDS ATTACK!, this fall on Fox.
For all you know, Gail's replacement will be a tamarind sympathiser.
Perkins is currently on her way to Ohio with a replenished supply of tamarind balls.
(And are they the good kind, with just the sugar.)
And why didn't we get any?? What makes the Ohians so dang special?
You know what's annoying in a diamond-shoes-too-tight kind of way? Getting an e-mail from your sister which says that she got the job she was interviewing for today, only you don't know where she was interviewing at in the first place.
I hate it when people leave out important information that I can't Google.
In case anyone was wondering, 90 days court supervision and $90 fines are all hip and trendy these days.
WTF is "court supervision?"
Anyway, considering that the maximum penalty is $2,000 and a year in jail, I can't complain....