You know what's annoying in a diamond-shoes-too-tight kind of way? Getting an e-mail from your sister which says that she got the job she was interviewing for today, only you don't know where she was interviewing at in the first place.
I hate it when people leave out important information that I can't Google.
In case anyone was wondering, 90 days court supervision and $90 fines are all hip and trendy these days.
WTF is "court supervision?"
Anyway, considering that the maximum penalty is $2,000 and a year in jail, I can't complain....
Is that like probation?
I don't
Maybe it means that if I do something naughty in the next 90 days, the judge will be very cross with me....
I think it means you have to take a judge with you every time you drive.
I think it means you have to take a judge with you every time you drive.
Crap. I was hoping all I'd need was a court clerk.
And why didn't we get any?? What makes the Ohians so dang special?
Um. Perkins gave me one. In Colorado. (Just one, but still.) I think aurelia had one also. Maybe you weren't worthy. You should take that up with Perkins.
t sings
Someone wasn't worthy ...
t /Spike