He can't just stab at a hard hit grounder that's coming up on a bad hop. He's got to be positioned properly and able to adjust to the hop. Stuff like that.
I took more than one ball in the face as a result of that very scenario. Because I never learned those fundamentals and just capitalized on an oddly natural-born ability.
Though taking a hard grounder in the face will teach you how to adjust, you betcha.
In completely unrelated news, Camilla can be Queen:
Replying to a question from a lawmaker, Constitutional Affairs Minister Christopher Leslie said in a written statement Monday that the marriage of Charles and Parker Bowles would not be "morganatic" -- in which the spouse of inferior status has no claim to the standing of the other.
"This is absolutely unequivocal that she automatically becomes queen when he becomes king," said Andrew Mackinlay, the lawmaker who raised the question.
The Department for Constitutional Affairs confirmed that interpretation, saying that legislation would be required to deny Parker Bowles the title of queen. Similar legislation apparently would be required in more than a dozen countries -- such as Australia, Jamaica and Canada -- in which the British sovereign is the head of state.
In completely unrelated news, Camilla can be Queen:
Has she found the Yellow Sign?
t awards Matt three points
It looks as arbitrary and unnatural as ballet.
Baseball is as arbitrary and unnatural as ballet.
I have nothing but respect for soap actors. They work their asses off.
It is driving me crazy that I can't remember the show where an actor was remarking that the executive producer always tries to cast soap actors because they are consummate professionals-- always on time with their lines down. Was it Aaron Spelling? Why can't I remember this?
Baseball is as arbitrary and unnatural as ballet.
I think there's more spitting though.
ACK I was being so good and avoiding the impulse to get Girl SCout Cookies. BUT! today a gilr scout IN MY SCHOOL who had neglected to come and try to sell me cookies was delivering them. ACK! of course she is out and now I must order them online which will take WEEKS!
I just pulled the very special CI chocolate cupcakes from the oven. They look so good. They are supposed to be for my class tonight, but I might have to try one just to make sure it's good enough.