YAY Change! or something.
I got new clothes in the mail. I love new clothes. it takes so little to make me happy. one pair of pants are too small and are going back. They weren't what I reLly wanted anyway, so just as well. A dress may go back too, I am gonna ask a friend for an opinion on it. The rest was just tees and a couple of twins sets.
The people aren't sure if they want my bike, they are looking at another bike this weekend. Bah. I cleaned it up too. Not to mention vacuuming the place and straightening up (which really needed to be done anyway, but...). The cleaning did get me motivated to wash dishes, fill the dishwasher, do some handwashing and take out the trash, so it's not all bad. Also caught up with Survivor and Alias. Survivor is gettin good. Tricky.
Hey, congrats, Perkins. Or, maybe that's not the right word, but... all good things for the changes ahead. And happy travels in the meanwhile.
Yay for Robin recognizing my tag.
I have yet to master airport timing. I left so much extra time for rush hour and rain and security that of course I didn't have a problem with any of them, so now I have huge amounts of time.
It's better than being rushed though.
eta Thanks Jen!
extra time in airports = buying tons of magazines.
Yeah, I always do that. I totally leave all this buffer time. But I like hanging out in airports, so it works out for me. Not that I fly all that often anymore. But still.
I'm Liese when it comes to airports. Extra time, I can read or browse shops or whatever. If I'm cutting it close I-R-Stressed, which is no fun for anyone, least of all me. Or most of all me? Anyway, it's no fun.
Perkins, all the best to you. I hope your new home and new job are filled with joy, laughter, and love.
Perkins, I hope the move and job change work well for you.
I am JenP, or possibly Liese, as far as airports go, too. Speaking of airports, I just listened to a nagging voice in my head and checked my flight reservations for the end of this month. You see, I'm going to be at the National Science Teachers Association meeting in Dallas from the 31st through April 3, running a booth for the journal I work for. All well and spiffy. Except I've been thinking, and telling people that I'd be out of the office from the 31st through the 3rd, which is true. However, I'm actually flying out of Durham, NC, on the morning of the 30th, since I have to be all convention-ish at 8 am on the 31st. Realizing this at the RDU airport on the 31st would have really sucked.
You know what's good? Leftover Chinese food. God, it maks me happy. Tasty cheap food that comes to your house! And you can eat it for several meals. I always order extras. My kungpao chicken and my shredded pork with mustard greens combined tonight for a spicy delight. For $30, JZ and I each get three meals out of it. Six meals at 5 per? Such a deal.