Perkins, I hope the move and job change work well for you.
I am JenP, or possibly Liese, as far as airports go, too. Speaking of airports, I just listened to a nagging voice in my head and checked my flight reservations for the end of this month. You see, I'm going to be at the National Science Teachers Association meeting in Dallas from the 31st through April 3, running a booth for the journal I work for. All well and spiffy. Except I've been thinking, and telling people that I'd be out of the office from the 31st through the 3rd, which is true. However, I'm actually flying out of Durham, NC, on the morning of the 30th, since I have to be all convention-ish at 8 am on the 31st. Realizing this at the RDU airport on the 31st would have really sucked.