That menu reminds me of the not-by-Wierd-Al song "Cat's in the kettle at the Peking Moon / the place where I eat every day at noon."
Jose Canseco is at my local Borders today. Might have to go check that out.
Is he giving away samples? Either the cream or the clear will do.
Hey, it's Jose Canseco. You never know what might happen.
My stupid work network won't let me access any of my files!!!
Cass left goodies! Yay! And yummmmmmm.
Jose Canseco is at my local Borders today.
I watched some of his testimony yesterday. What a whiner.
Hmm, it's interesting. The House has passed Bush's budget pretty much as requested only with more cuts to Medicaid and some other social programs. The Senate has passed a budget with fewer cuts, espeically to Medicaid, but more tax cuts (super fiscal responsibility there). I'm not going to like the budget no matter how it turns out, but it's interesting that the Senate Republicans have broken from the Bush line. Also, it's intesting how CNN refers to cuts as "savings". Dude, you're a reporter, you don't have to spin, it's okay to just report.
I have a vitamin query -- iron interacts with the absorption of some other nutrient, right? That's why you can buy multis without it? Which nutrient is that?
I think it's calcium that iron blocks, but not sure.
The senate budget includes estimated income from opening up ANWR to drilling. The amendment to remove that provision went down 49-51.
iron interacts with the absorption of some other nutrient, right?
IIRC (but it's been a while since I had the stern little iron-deficiency anemia talk), it's the other way around -- calcium interferes with iron absorption, so getting both spread through the day in your diet is better than popping a pill (or at least, better than popping both pills at the same time). I don't remember anything about iron interfering with other stuff, but as my problem is not enough iron rather than too much, they might've just skipped that part.