Why is it an issue that
Billy Campbell -- the Actor's name, btw -- is the same age or younger than Sandy
? My take is that his
magazine was kind of a
DIY deal. I think that the
character's name
is something like
I loved
at the
most disturbing part of the episode?
the boots at the bonfire?
And, pretty much how
Summer is dressed with white boots over her jeans and a poncho.
Sumi, cause
Billy Campbell
seems actually younger, not same as Sandy. But you're right, same age wouldn't have been as bad. though the issue of the
mag that
put in the mailbox didn't look all young kid-DIY.
That's his name.
Yes! Why all the
slouchy, low-heeled tall boots
? And what do you call that
top that Summer was wearing over her orange tee-shirt
I think he
BC or Carter
just has a
Sumi, I call it
butt ugly.
You know what I loved? I loved
Carter listening to the Pixies
and that
listening to
The Scorpions --
that's who that was, right? Good use of 80s music. Also, Julie's excuse - "
It was the 80s.
It was an especially good music episode! Ah.
That, plus Alias. AND March Madnes. I'm good.
I briefly interrupt the valuable and informative OC Dish to say that I got the world's most adorable menu slipped under my door. It's Asian food, and the restaurant is called Kung Pao Kitty, with pics of dishy retro ladies with kitty tails.
The headers are adorable: noodles schmoodles, here fishy fishy, rice lots of rice, man eating tofu and veggies. They have plantains with ginger delato and caramel coconut sauce, smitten kitten cake (chocolate ganache with a dose of caffeine and scoop of gelato), and their battered shrimp is described as "crispy fried goodness."
I love cute menus.