I think I have to go back and read more carefully to figure out what was going on in natter today. It was fun to read, though.
Aw. Suela, there should be less missing and much more hanging out in the beangab chair.
Er, on Alias:
was that some sort of snuff thing Jack was trading with there? That was cree-peee. Ech
Not some weekends, all weekends. So he was making good money, but he was working 70 hour weeks month in and month out.
This is why I'll never make the big bucks.
t hands Suela pizza and wine
t realizes she forgot plate and glass
t goes for mop
t drips pizza sauce all over the new slacks
So I think I was stupid last night. I went to Casual Corner to find a new suit, and discovered that my bottom isn't the same size as my top, to be blunt. And instead of buying two separates that matched, I bought a suit in the larger size, because I liked it better.
But now I have to take the pants in to get hemmed, and the jacket in to get the sleeves shortened.
This strikes me as less than perfectly efficient. Even if the suit was $100 off.
How on earth am I supposed to know things that go on in show-threads-land?? Anyway, I have too much shit to do, including already conflicting plans.
I really should not have wasted this afternoon like I did.
Right, Jesse. You should have wasted it here.
Jack. Wow.
And how adorable is Sam? So adorable