A smoosh-faced wax lion!
How about the Holy Grail?
Huh. How best to phrase it, so it's clear it's the Python version...
Victor, you don't like my grindylow tank idea? I'm hurt.
I'm just blanking what it is.
A Morgan Le Fay chocolate frog card?
Heh. Oh, yes.
A menu from The Peach Pit.
Captain Oats.
A camera lipstick from Alias.
One of Rygel's stomachs.
(And pretty accidental numberslut!)
How about Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch, so they KNOW it's Python?
Charles Gray says yes.
Which reminds me, I DEFINITELY need something Rocky Horror here...
Remington Steele's driver's license
Oh! A toy airplane (Lost).