Ah! Okay, there is an "other income" space... oh dear, they want a description. Um. Miscellaneous freelance paperwork?
ETA: Holy crap! It was $240, and Turbotax's as-you-go estimate just dropped $27 off my refund! They want over ten percent of my random-crap income?
TAR: I also wanted
Debbie and Bianca
to beat out
Patrick and Susan. Patrick
annoy the heck out of me. And
Debbie and Bianca
didn't. I'm hoping that some of the
scheming will
eventually come back to haunt
Rob and Amber but this week - - well, I just dislike the gross-out challenges,
you know?
Wow! I have just read 832 Natter messages, but I could not stop reading the BRQG messages. And while Buff Diving I think I found a funny made on 9/11, Which makes me uncomfortable, but still funny:
Miracleman: Any indication as to, you know, WHY they hadda evacuate the Capitol?
Steph L.: Reagan has clawed his way out of his coffin and is looking for a tender young neck to bite?
Tommyrot: Rumsfeld and Cheney went berserk with jealousy when they were mistakenly told that Reagan had begun his ascension?
Also, the BROQ reminds me that my gift is as a straight man. As a randomly sorta bisexual woman, this, too makes me laugh.
I was
sad to see Debbie and Bianca go. They were the last all-female team, and Susan and Patrick have started to annoy the crap out of me.
I liked
Rob's plan, and I liked seeing it pulled off. Phil's impressed-ness was hysterical, and Rob's "Phil, sometimes I surprise myself!" was exactly the kind of grandiose pigheaded statement that makes Rob such a lovable little asshead.
I skipped about a thousand posts. Hope I didn't miss anything important.
I can't believe the A&W talk. My very first job was a car-hop at one.
TAR: I really wantedthe girls to beat the mom &son, they annoy me. but it was interesting seeing who toughed out the food and who fell in with Rahmber.
Uh, I have no idea where you'd put it--it's not just..."income"?
TAR: I'm loving Rob and Amber in all of this. The fact that certain other team's world revolves around hating them seems to me that R&A are doing something right.
Discord discord discord
Holy crap! It was $240, and Turbotax's as-you-go estimate just dropped $27 off my refund! They want over ten percent of my random-crap income?
I think you're lucky it's only 10%.
The freelance income is business income. Did you buy any books or software that would be related to the business income? You can offset it with expenses.