I was
sad to see Debbie and Bianca go. They were the last all-female team, and Susan and Patrick have started to annoy the crap out of me.
I liked
Rob's plan, and I liked seeing it pulled off. Phil's impressed-ness was hysterical, and Rob's "Phil, sometimes I surprise myself!" was exactly the kind of grandiose pigheaded statement that makes Rob such a lovable little asshead.
I skipped about a thousand posts. Hope I didn't miss anything important.
I can't believe the A&W talk. My very first job was a car-hop at one.
TAR: I really wantedthe girls to beat the mom &son, they annoy me. but it was interesting seeing who toughed out the food and who fell in with Rahmber.
Uh, I have no idea where you'd put it--it's not just..."income"?
TAR: I'm loving Rob and Amber in all of this. The fact that certain other team's world revolves around hating them seems to me that R&A are doing something right.
Discord discord discord
Holy crap! It was $240, and Turbotax's as-you-go estimate just dropped $27 off my refund! They want over ten percent of my random-crap income?
I think you're lucky it's only 10%.
The freelance income is business income. Did you buy any books or software that would be related to the business income? You can offset it with expenses.
I'm in my school internet lab and there's a guy three computers down who is reading and laughing to himself. Loudly.
I had the same thing in my lab tonight! Hee! This is part of why I try not to read the boards in the labs.
I am sad to be missing this season of TAR. Maybe I will start watching it. Hmm.
I think my brain is settling in after all this lunch stuff.
I learned today that all breast cancer starts in the milk ducts, and that doctors don't actually know much about the anatomy of the breast. There may be six to eight ducts. And they figured that out by studying women at those leche groups who advocate for breastfeeding.
Dr. Love is developing a test for breast cancer that is intraductal, so instead of having to wait until your fifty and for a lump to show on a mammogram (which are helpful to something like only 30% of women), you'd be able to get a an intraductal exam (with a needle the size of a hair) and they could search for abnormal cells in the ducts, the same way they do it for cervical cancer and your PAP.
The idea is that you can then change the environment if cells are abnormal, making the ducts inhospitable for abnormal cells with medication, stopping the cancer before it starts.
I'm oversimplifying.
However! I signed up for the trial. She was having a really hard time finding young women not on birth control for subjects. It takes about an hour, and you go twice. She does the trials in West LA, and the hours are afterwork hours.
If any LAistas are interested in taking part, e me and I'll send you the info. Sounds like it's a chance to be part of something hugely important to women's health.
If any LAistas are interested in taking part, e me and I'll send you the info. Sounds like it's a chance to be part of something hugely important to women's health.
That sounds great, Allyson. If I weren't leaving, I definitely would.
Is there an age cut off? I will see if anyone at work is interested.