Yeah, Sumi. I've been busy.
Olay, I've got a question.
Jack evil (which I would totally believe)
or is he
working for CIA?
I got my answer as it continued.
is so fantastic and withon with the not trusting Sloane.
I'm in agreement that
Slaone is
Mr. ShadyManStill. And
Angela Bassett?
when she was running
you can totally see that her
breasts were getting in the way.
If they are going to do
running scenes, she needs to have a better bra so she doesn't
look like she's trying to
smoosh the girls down with her arms.
My love of Spy!Daddy continues.
To imaginary people and the other imaginary people they should hook up with?
To imaginary people and the other imaginary people they should hook up with?
Yes. I will be the balladeer of their love ...
We did and we loved your white font. Also, SMG was doing the Pet Winter Olympics commentary side-by-side with Seth. I'm getting a little warm fuzzy from them doing voiceover work together.
We watched it. Or rather, DH was watching it intently while I was idly watching and enjoying the Mariner-snark in the
2005 Baseball Prospectus.
(They compared a player to syphilis. I kid thee not.) I heard something about
gypsy curse
and made DH back up. I was all "Buffy reference! Buffy reference!" So I nearly fell off the couch laughing at the
Season 8
Oh, not. Not at all. Nothing of the sort.
Angela Bassett
is disclipining
And wait? WHA?
They would be so cute together.
Mmm. Disciplining.
I got to see the next VM episode tonight. It didn't make me angry. I think I was more generous because it was with an audience, though.
What was a really bad idea, though, was showing a clip from "Welcome To The Hellmouth" right beforehand. Or maybe it was craftily softening me up.
Or maybe it was craftily softening me up.
And it worked!
Lori said she had fun.
Okay, I'm trying to decide if I should take Spanish 3 this next quarter. It's hard because i'm back at work and 2.5 hours of Spanish/twice a week is a lot of time (for me). But I like my Spanish teacher because she's strict and doesn't let me screw around too much.
It's just HARD to do while I"m working.
Okay, just got to the end of Alias.
We're supposed to think that
at least one, but possibly both of the Spy Daddies are
evil, right?