At least in the Ford family, minivan vs suv or full van vs suv results in very little difference in gas mileage.
Actually, this is why I didn't feel bad. It was almost the same thing with Honda's van/SUV and I looked hard at Ford, too. PLus, I'm 5' 9" and I was really happy about a car where I wouldn't be bending over so much to put the baby seat in.
Can't talk more because I'm leaving for my first childbirth class right now. I hope it's cool.
I have a dinky 2-door Honda Civic, and I don't find strapping kids into the childseats to be all that bad. OTOH, I never had to deal with an infant bucket with the 2-door. Getting that through the door and behind the seat could be tricky.
That's my worry. Once you're back there, it's kind of roomy, but it's a tight squeeze. The seat part may prove to be tricky, though I'm sure it's doable. (I'm also sure it's going to be annoying. Annoying, but doable.)
We'd actually discussed replacing it pre-baby, but when my medical situation got tricky, Paul got spooked at the notion of spending that much money, just in case I had to suddenly stop working, and once that was no longer an issue, we'd already adjusted our priorities.
Actually, this is why I didn't feel bad. It was almost the same thing with Honda's van/SUV and I looked hard at Ford, too. PLus, I'm 5' 9" and I was really happy about a car where I wouldn't be bending over so much to put the baby seat in.
Joe and were laughing at a friend of ours back in Michigan. She was trashing another mutual friend for driving a "gas guzzling, environment ruining Explorer". I looked at her and said, "Doesn't your family drive a club wagon? THAT guzzles more gas and puts more crap in the air than that Explorer, yet I don't see you trashing your mother."
She shut up.
You can also get Ford Explorers and Dodge Caravans that have flexible fuel engines and can burn E85 instead of gasoline, if that's available in your area.
Actually, it's kind of funny. We have this big comfortable minivan, but when we're out and about in the city as a family we almost exclusively use our little Honda since it uses so much less gas.
how does the goat consent, you crazy people.
There was some initiating nibbling as I recall.
Emmett's entire home city is fairly corrupted with perverts and goths and whatnot.
Nutty, I think of Ethics as being the philosophy of determining right and wrong, and Morals being an individual's personal hierarchy of choices (or axis, as Betsy describes it) which or may not be philosophically sound, but represents how you make your choices.
Well, in South Florida, we have a lot of rich or exclusive private schools, and nearly all are corrupted. Be it Native American, High Society, High Intellectuals, Catholic, Jewish, or Gay
I don't know what this means.
I give up. It's like explaining humidity to a Roswell girl. Difficult and fustrating.
I think of morals as the private (which may be community determined--or part of a religious code) and ethics as public. There's an overlap, but there are also differences.
Almare, I can't speak for the rest of the Buffistas, but I don't know what you mean by corrupted, or what your initial point was. I don't know if you're being funny and I'm not following you, or if you're being earnest. In part, this is probably my fault, and partly, it's probably the fault of the medium, but also, you're an unknown quantity. I think that's why we're not getting you, because we have no information stored up about you in our brains, to help us.