Where does trust come into it?
Where I decide who is allowed into my house, life, bedroom, and pants (preferably in that order). I'm sure most philanderers aren't actually housebreakers or petty thieves, but I bet a lot of them are heartbreakers and petty assholes.
well not except that you act the fool, or type the fool, or something, but fool is involved.
No, see, I
the fool.
That's what it is.
I just threw up in my mouth a little. WTH WTF WTW
Where I decide who is allowed into my house, life, bedroom, and pants (preferably in that order).
Ah. I was mixing up the general and the specific.
I just threw up in my mouth a little.
Have some goat -- it'll settle your tummy.
Oh, Christian Schools...
Of the Chistian Schools in south florida, one out of two has a student body comprised of kind, innocent children that have no wish to be corrupted. Almost no pervents, goths or freaks in sight. It's almost impossible to find any one in there that is willing to 'use the Lord's name in vain.'
Edit: I hate the letter R especially the double barred ones. Fuck you, isn't 26 letters enough? No, you have to bring Greek shit into the fucking Mathematic.
kind, innocent children that have no wish to be corrupted.
Yeah, but their definition of corrupt is not mine. One of the cruelest kids on our street was from a Bible-believing family.
I don't find it odd that students at a Christian school would not "take the Lord's name in vain" - it is a commandment after all.
And how is no perverts at a school a bad thing? clearly not getting you.
so the other 50% of the Christian Schools in South Florida are filled with kids who
interested in being corrupted? Where is that data coming from? Did you attend numerous schools or teach at them?
Yeah, at first you're using it to catch up on email and get the last box of Cap'n Crunch, but next thing you know the missiles are on their way and you have to freeze everyone and spend the rest of your life alone.
You say 'alone' like it's a bad thing.
t eats Cap'n Crunch
t preps missiles
Almare, I'm not following your point, either. I thought maybe your initial post was making a joke with a reference I didn't get.
xposted with Bitches:
Just talked to my parents. The scan they did on dad's heart this morning was inconclusive--no sign of clotting in the damaged portion, but that doesn't prove there wasn't a clot there before causing the problem. Also, they found a small spot on one of his lungs (he had lung cancer ~10 years ago), but because of the size and placement can't do a biopsy without surgery, and it sounded like they hadn't decided if/when to do that, since it'd involve taking him off some of the blood thinners he's on because of cardiac/TIA issues.
So, to sum up, we don't know anything. Argh.