Spanish-speaking peoples:
One of my clients is starting to produce some of its materials in Spanish. This means I find myself trying to figure out how to say things such as "No, I do not wish to participate in Operation Round Up." at fairly short notice. I can kinda sorta read Spanish, but creating it? Not so much. It doesn't seem fair for me to keep asking the hivemind for translations, since I am paid to do this stuff. Anyone interested in taking this on for the occasional monetary reward? The client does longer translations for various printed materials, but I'm left trying to figure out web stuff such as "back" and "next." If so, profile addy is good.
Almare, how did you find us? (Just curious.)
I thought being a Buffista means you don't go to heaven. You go to a Buffista heaven
Also known as the Special Hell.
I'll do it Ginger. I come from a family of lawyers and translators!
Oh lord. Adrien Brody is going to be on Ellen on Friday. I'm scared already.
Now I have to go to work, and I don't want to. I never want to go to work. What on earth am I going to do when I have to work full-time again?? If my one friend is any indication, I could probably make a good living as a freelance writer, but then what the hell am I getting a management degree for? Oh the angst.
Oh, and Steph L.....
There was a new boradcast thatannounced your whereabouts. I dismissed t until a dear friend told me there were people more perverted than i was. i followed the link and ended up at the rsandom quote generator. I studied these sacred tests and went to the pheonix board. I studied for over a year before i nested. With Cheerleader!Lex.
You lurked for a
Man, I have no patience at all. I lurked for about...twenty minutes.
Jesse, the angst is delicious, may i taste it?
Twenty minutes? Dude, it was like, sheer torture. (AKA watching the new season of Everwood) but i stuck through it.
also, i kept being intterupt by math.
I plan to make Natter my true home, and one day, I hope to grown up and become a Senator who is completely open about her filkthy filthy ways.
Or become a creepy hermit and instruct people on parapsychological abilities (AKA the force) only, i'll be hotter than Obi-Wan and I'll have a bigger sword.