Oh, and Steph L.....
There was a new boradcast thatannounced your whereabouts. I dismissed t until a dear friend told me there were people more perverted than i was. i followed the link and ended up at the rsandom quote generator. I studied these sacred tests and went to the pheonix board. I studied for over a year before i nested. With Cheerleader!Lex.
You lurked for a
Man, I have no patience at all. I lurked for about...twenty minutes.
Jesse, the angst is delicious, may i taste it?
Twenty minutes? Dude, it was like, sheer torture. (AKA watching the new season of Everwood) but i stuck through it.
also, i kept being intterupt by math.
I plan to make Natter my true home, and one day, I hope to grown up and become a Senator who is completely open about her filkthy filthy ways.
Or become a creepy hermit and instruct people on parapsychological abilities (AKA the force) only, i'll be hotter than Obi-Wan and I'll have a bigger sword.
So the random quote generator is sacred. I wonder if that works like the idea that you can randomly select a passage in the Bible and it will apply to whatever you are dealing with at the moment.
I'll try it. I've been told to "Use French Ticklers instead". Okay, the system isn't perfect.
I must go, Steph, guard my nest. And don't play with Cheerleader!Lex.
He's a gift for ita.
Tom, if you pop back in today on a break or whatever, I'll try and call you around lunchtime so we can make dinner plans.
Oh, I should also check my profile addy, huh?
Okay, the system isn't perfect
Or maybe you need to refine it by randomly selecting a French Tickler.