Alibelle, my experience with TiVo, was basically taking the phone, while dh stopped talking to the cable guy, long enough to check connection. We were on the phone with our cable company for a couple of hours one night, because we couldn't get it all to work right (with the vcr, etc). Ugh. My sympathies. Make your brother help.
Has anyone seen [link]
Mine was ... well, restrained for the 80s. No sleeves, Mandarin collar, sheath down to mid-thigh, where there was a poof of tulle to mid-calf. Pearl buttons all the way down the front of the sheath, and knee high boots with pearl fastenings on them too. And gloves that go up above the elbow.
I flirted with other dresses, but really, it was always this one. I also had designed dresses for my mother and sister. Once I saw Casablanca, I knew the groom's jacket would need to have the same cut as Rick's tux, and I was done.
But there was no
planned. Just clothes. Every piece of scrap paper was filled with either women's dresses, or pictures of women fighting, until my mid-twenties. Mostly the dresses.
I've never planned my wedding or my wedding dress, but I did get to pick a wedding dress (for other reasons) when I was in high school, which was AWESOME (and I still like the dress) and my mom has the wedding file, so the planning should be OK.
Make your brother help.
I wish. He's got a couple of girls and a friend up there, and they're blaring music, and smoking. So, he's basically busy pimping out. He's not allowed to smoke in the house (though he's encouraged to not smoke at all), which is the part that really bugs me. He completely ignores any requests to be considerate, although I've finally had to beg him to ventilate, since my requests to stop were getting exactly nowhere. I think he's cracked a window, because it is now colder than ever in here. Also, they dirtied up the kitchen I spent time cleaning last night when I got home from the airport. So he's like a particularly obnoxious roommate. But thanks for the TiVo sympathy! Honestly, it helped tons with lowering my frustration level.
ita missed her calling in life as a fashion designer. Clearly, she should've been the next Vera Wang.
Nobody looked at the save toby site?
save toby site
That is, quite possibly, one of the worst sites I've ever seen.
Mostly because I didn't think of it first.
People are so ill! And I'm not even sure I just mean the guy who made the site. More the ones who donated it.
I wonder if I can get $2900 to prevent me from eating a chocolate bar.
Nobody looked at the save toby site?
I wish I hadn't. I hate animal cruelty. I hope it's not real, but to know it's not real, I'd have to do more investigation into something that already made me upset.
Yeah, that site is fucked up. All the way around.
I hate animal cruelty.
I love animals as much as the next person but I'm confused as to how this qualifies as animal cruelty. People eat animals every single day. Some people eat rabbit.
I would consider this to be more of a case of human cruelty.