ita, did the movers take more or less than 4 hours?
They took five. I think I could have gotten it under 4 if I'd stuck to my "big stuff only" guns, but I already had my credit card out. So there's really not much left -- under the kitchen sink and that damned patio table in the glass box. It needs to be taken apart to be moved, but I seem to recall breaking drill bits putting it together. I'm not optimistic about it.
As for puberty -- I understood the interest in sex from as early on as any of my friends. I was just more bookish about it than they were. When my period finally started we were all relieved, me more than anyone, because they'd set up an appointment with a developmental specialist for the next week.
Food poisoning was not on my agenda for the weekend. And yet...
After an entire day of getting very friendly with Lee's toilet, I was able to lurch off and do the book reading last night. Which went very well - though it went much longer than I expected.
JZ and I are off to brunch with Scrappy and her BF. If they don't have oatmeal on the menu, I will most likely be nibbling on dry toast and sipping camomile tea.
I was able to lurch off and do the book reading last night.
Well, I'm glad you made it, and the reading went well.
OTOH, many of history's best authors and editors were chronic vomiters, so you could have worked that to your advantage....
Hey, you guys, can I wear my (platinum) engagement ring in salt water? I'm gonna do lots of ocean swimming this week.
While the platinum and diamonds would be safe, the emeralds would not.
Best to leave it at home in a safe or something.
OTOH, a diamond ring is a good defense against glass sharks.
Aw, poor Hec. Feel better soon.Glad you could read at least.
OTOH, many of history's best authors and editors were chronic vomiters, so you could have worked that to your advantage....
Booker T. Washington, at one time one of the nation's most prolific speakers, threw up before every speech. (What are you looking at? His autobiography is a great book. My mind insist on holding on to the oddest of facts.)
Sorry about the food poisoning, Hec. The only thing worse than being sick is being sick away from home.
It was a great fear of James Dean's, as well, I understand. And, no, don't know how I know.
Oatmeal was had. Brunch conversation was fun. My stomach is sore but behaving. We're packing up at Lee's, and off to see my friend Matthew, his wife and baby. Then over to MM & Aimee and Emeline. Then back on the road. Oof. Driving driving driving then work tomorrow.
Glad you're feeling better, Hec! Oatmeal is a good thing, it's what's for breakfast (can you tell I had mine this morning?) And you get to see the Royal Miracleborns, lucky you.