I enjoy the phrase spleen to spleen. I'll do my part to get it out there. I mean, I won't
splenity, but if I see it, no harm in calling it, right?
My sister's birthday mix CD is done. I'm very happy. I think she'll like it. I think I broke some mix making rules, but I don't think she'll care, and I know I don't. I also miss the major portion of my CD collection, which is packed away in a box in Rockville, MD. But I got by. Yay for downloading music.
Rob in High Fidelity lists some, but I don't remember anymore.
Well, according to my friend, Tom[notofthisboard], there are rules. It's possible that I took him at his word that they were universally understood rather than just his preference. And, well, if I've learned nothing else here, it's that the term universally understood is applipicable to just about nothing. So.
It's also possible he took them from Rob in High Fidelity (thank you erika).
Boys and mixed tapes...it's a thing.
I'm watching Monarch of the Glen for the first time in months and months and months and it's so completely different. Just Whoa!
Also, Tom Baker is barely recognizable.
I miss the mixed tape days. Mix cds are just too, I don't know... easy?
Tip of the day: Before you drive to the grocery store, check to make sure that your wallet is in your purse.
I'm just glad I didn't shop first and *then* find out my wallet was at home.