Completely random observation... look at all the phrases of this type:
head to head
toe to toe
eye to eye
face to face
nose to nose
cheek to cheek
hand to hand
shoulder to shoulder
back to back
elbow to elbow
side to side (perhaps not to do with body parts)
and also:
neck and neck
Do you think we could work "spleen to spleen" into common usage?
Heh. Would that be two people yelling at each other?
"Boy, Sammy Sosa and that umpire were really going at it spleen to spleen."
Absolutely. It could be used anytime an argument starts to get ugly.
But I think the phrase "sphincter to sphincter" should remain unused.
I enjoy the phrase spleen to spleen. I'll do my part to get it out there. I mean, I won't
splenity, but if I see it, no harm in calling it, right?
My sister's birthday mix CD is done. I'm very happy. I think she'll like it. I think I broke some mix making rules, but I don't think she'll care, and I know I don't. I also miss the major portion of my CD collection, which is packed away in a box in Rockville, MD. But I got by. Yay for downloading music.