I want something with no violence, no profanity, and no overt sexual situations. I think some good stories can be told without any of those. But I want it to be smart and interesting, and actual good story, as opposed to barely tolerable.
I didn't see Phantom Menace or the Clone thing, but is it any less of the above than the first three Stars Wars films that were released--originally? I thought it just sucked. I didn't think it was less violent/crude.
I'm not even thinking kids shows. I don't want a JH show. I'm thinking Waltons, Little House, Happy Days, Cosby--those kind of shows, you could watch with your kid, and possibly enjoy.
Elmo has totally ruined Sesame Street.
Except for kids, apparently.
Elmo is a punk and Henson is spinning in his grave.
Oh, I added Fraggle Rock up there. Its yet another transition.
I'm thinking Waltons, Little House, Happy Days, Cosby--
I liked Happy Days, but the rest of those tended to put me to sleep.
Cosby, especially the early seasons, was Fun-nee.
Okay, I liked early-seasons Cosby too. But Waltons and Little House are the two biggest examples of boring TV I remember from my childhood.
In other news, make your own PEEPS!
I still crack up thinking about the one where they set up a fake "real world" for Theo. Little Rudy!!