I mean, Stepahnie Seymour is a tart, but that's ridiculous.
We still have to take her out back and shoot her, because that bra strap across the back is wrongWRONGwrong.
But I judge any public persona that walks the paparazzi gauntlet without flash-testing their clothes. Just because you can't see the parsley in your teeth doesn't mean you get a pass.
Right, Cindy, but I'm thinking of kids a little older, and/or networks that are not known quantities.
Also, that is damn impressive, if, I'm sure, very annoying.
Reading the manual? You are so doomed, Cindy.
Holy cow. Eartha Kitt is doing a live chat appearance on the Washington Post right now. [link]
Reading the manual? You are so doomed, Cindy.
Yep. I registered him for Kindergarten, today. He'll be screened in about two weeks time, which will be an interesting preface, to an interesting school year.
Academically, he's where my (bright by any standard) Benjamin was (wrt math and reading) at this time of the year, in first grade. Behavior-wise, it's like he's turning 4 rather than 5. He's also the fluffiest bunny ever, but managed to become quite assertive, at the same time.
I may take up drinking.
Right, Cindy, but I'm thinking of kids a little older, and/or networks that are not known quantities.
That's true. Still, it doesn't seem right to make them pledge to a rating. TV sucks, anyhow.
TV sucks, anyhow.
Cindy! You apologize to TV right now.
I will not!
(and blows)
(and blows)
Yeah, but not for much longer if this guy from Alaska has his way...
Yeah, but not for much longer if this guy from Alaska has his way...
Yeah, then it will just be utterly bland and innoccuous. (I hope I spelled that right....)