Alternately, if the government really wants to get into it, why not force cable companies to make their offerings a la carte?
Ooh, I'd like that. Not so much for the avoiding of indecency, but I'd love to get just the channels I want without all the filler crap.
V-Chip, people!
It doesn't even require that.
Good christ. But, you know, it is so
to keep an eye on what your kids are watching and set limits. And
everyone knows you have to have a tv.
No patience with this shit, at all. I swear. I mean, I do have issues with graphic violence, but you know what? I solve them for myself. I don't watch it.
Ooh, I'd like that. Not so much for the avoiding of indecency, but I'd love to get just the channels I want without all the filler crap.
I'd like it too. We might actually order cable then. All we need is Comedy Central and Animal Planet. Maybe Bravo.
Animal Planet.
Animal Planet has a thing coming up like Discovery did with CGI-ed dinosaurs, except this new one on AP is going to be about dragons.
Hell, I could even get behind individual Cable Channels pledging a maximum rating, so that people who don't want to watch anything over whatever could avoid it altogether by not getting any such channels.
Animal Planet has a thing coming up like Discovery did with CGI-ed dinosaurs, except this new one on AP is going to be about dragons.
I think we sold them footage for that.
t /Jess' job likes carrots
Okay, Stephanie Seymour has achieved some great curves. But there must be a subtler way to inform the world.
Or, if not subtler, then at least more tasteful
Alternately, if the government really wants to get into it, why not force cable companies to make their offerings a la carte?
Ooh, I'd like that. Not so much for the avoiding of indecency, but I'd love to get just the channels I want without all the filler crap.
YES! And to add to the dream, I'd like them to force the cable providers to make their rates more clear in the publications and on their websites. It's ridiculous.
Hell, I could even get behind individual Cable Channels pledging a maximum rating, so that people who don't want to watch anything over whatever could avoid it altogether by not getting any such channels.
This already sort of happens, with cable station brand identification. In other words, I know something on Disney, Nick jr., Noggin, or PBS (during children's hours) is going to meet my minimum decency standards. I love the v-chip (or similar) capability available through my cable provider, because sometimes, I have to pee, cook dinner, throw on a load of laundry, or otherwise leave the room. I can block anything with a certain rating. I can block according to channel or title. It is helpful.
He's set up season passes for his own shows. He's changed priorities on them. He's deleted stuff I've marked as "Keep until I delete". He's 4. He's done all this on the very few times I have left the remote within his reach, and I've left the room for two minutes.
Last week, Scott and I found him reading the TiVo manual.
I think that dress is one of those that looks opaque except under certain kinds of flash cameras. The same way Kerry's daughter displayed her nipples to the world at Cannes. I mean, Stepahnie Seymour is a tart, but that's ridiculous.