There has been an awful lot of
torturing going on
this season.
Not sure how I feel about it, actually. Dramatically, it's been effective, but man, there's been a lot. And all by the good guys,
I couldn't tell what was going on in the preview. It seemed very
"No, wait! We didn't really wrap everything up mid-season! Look, explosions!"
The first time we met
I said,
"Oh, he's totally evil." But now I'm less
Actually, I half-take back what I said about
the torture being dramatically effective. Because last night, my main impression was that it was being used only to drive a wedge between Jack and Audrey. Which I felt was a little cheap, even if it was completely in character for
both of them.]
I have less against
dramatic torture than many people, probably, but I really prefer it being performed on the good guys.
It's weird this way.
(Also, I keep wanting to call her
Aubrey, because her love interest's name is
I must now leave work early in order to go to an "appointment" which I implied was medical, but is actually to get my hair cut. Woo Hoo!
That would have made me want to call her Will.
As I recall, 24 has a long history of
torture. In its 2nd season, Jack was the torture-ee, and nearly died before recovering well enough to continue the frantic day. In one year (can't remember which), Jack tortured someone by faking that he was murdering the torture-ee's family. In all cases, it's pretty much effective if the torturer is a good guy, and ineffective if the torturer is not.
Of course, this was the show that started season 2 with the murder and decapitation of someone, by the hero, for a very inane reason, and with no consequences at all. So, NSM with the reflecting of real life.
I think that if someone Tasered me in the completely unnecessary course of duty, I would be looking for an opportunity to Taser them back, hopefully in the goolies.
I was a home birth, but I'm not sure what street my parents lived on. Alberta, maybe? Which would give me Hilda Alberta. Or, ooh, I keep forgetting that our other cat's name at the time was Bunny. I could be Bunny Beach! OK, actually, I'm totally sticking with Bunny Beach from now on.
I must now leave work early in order to go to an "appointment" which I implied was medical, but is actually to get my hair cut. Woo Hoo!
Robin, you are an inspiration to us all.
My assertion of the effectiveness is directly opposite to yours. I think in this season's scenario it
raises ethical questions I'm pretty sure they aren't going to deal with.
Huh. If I mix and match, my porn name would be Rose Vine. Or Tootsie Beal.