I have no idea what street the Hospital is on (I suppose I could look it up), but the best I've got it "Carrie Russell", who is awfully...boring. I could go with "Twinkletoes Russell", or "Vienna Twinkletoes" (to use Kristin's order), which may be the most picturesque possibility. I think my problem is that most of our pets have been named from LotR.
I have seen very little Survivor or TAR.
I've never heard of a version with the hospital name -- childhood pet, street you lived on (maybe people are looking for streets they were born on, and hence the hospital thing?)
I'm fascinated that you people know what street the hospital is on.
Mine's easy because I was born at Roosevelt Hospital and their birthing center ads are all over the subway. But I have no idea where on Staten Island my parents lived at the time.
I'm fascinated that you people know what street the hospital is on.
I know what street a lot of hospitals are on (including Somerville, for that matter). Just not the one I was born in.
Oh, then I'm Buffy Ygnacio Valley.
That has a certain something.
(I know the street that the hospital I was born on because it's basically across the street from a mall that my mom sometiumes shops at. "That's where you were born" she'll say, waving at what is now an office building as she pulls into the parking lot)
I'm fascinated that you people know what street the hospital is on.
Well, I know which hospital I was born in, but it doesn't have a street address.
the street of the HOSPITAL?!?
Skippy Highway 23 doesn't really work as anyone's name, no matter what their profession.
I barely know where Somerville Hospital is, but I wasn't born there, anyway.
Is there a site kinda like this for TV? I'd love to be able to find ratings numbers.
Mixing and matching gets me Miss Kitty Gladiolus, which would be a great drag name, but not so much with the porn marquee.
On one of my mom's flights, one man took down all the flight attendants' bags and demo kits, and put them on the floor because he wanted to store his bible in the overhead bin, and nothing was allowed to touch it.
How much would I have loved to be in a nearby seat with this in my carry on?