Mixing and matching gets me Miss Kitty Gladiolus, which would be a great drag name, but not so much with the porn marquee.
On one of my mom's flights, one man took down all the flight attendants' bags and demo kits, and put them on the floor because he wanted to store his bible in the overhead bin, and nothing was allowed to touch it.
How much would I have loved to be in a nearby seat with this in my carry on?
IIRC, it's on Broadway. But I don't know anyone who was born there, nor even whether they have a Maternity unit.
I know I was born in a hospital, but I don't know its name nor its address.
This is making me laugh (from Matt's link):
This devil hand puppet is flame retardant and hand washable.
This devil hand puppet is flame retardant
This makes me laugh and laugh.
Yeah, imagine the firefighter who's sifting through the rubble of a burned-down house and uncovers that thing completely unsinged.
Oh, maybe you're right. It's those mesmerizingly long east-west streets.
I barely know where Somerville Hospital is, but I wasn't born there, anyway.
Highland Ave, baybee!
(I pass it when I go to Davis Square)
It's on Highland, but the main entrance is on Tower Street.
Tower does lend itself well to porn names if you're a guy.