While waiting for my flight to Houston, there was a guy in the waiting area on his cell phone.
Ah! Ah! You know how I was surrounded by a sea of senior citizens with nametags going on a cruise on my way to California? Well, on my way back, I got a lake of senior citizens coming
from a trip to Mexico.
This is after I've been surrounded by screaming babies and forced to move from my aisle seat several times an hour for the upper-middle-class, middle-aged husband and wife who looked at me like I was mentally challenged when I didn't correctly interpret their minor changes in position as, "Pardon me, but I need to use the airplane lavatory." Why? Because I was reading. And every once in a while I'd look up to see them both staring at me, upon which I would prompt, "Do you need me to get up?"
Ah, flying. Nothing like it to remind me why I am not, and never will be, a people person.
I've been too busy the past month to learn anything about the teams, so I have no current favorites.
I never do pre-investgation, I am generally too: lazy, distracted, or busy to do so, but I find I like meeting the teams "fresh." Also, it allows me to laugh hysterically at all the dorky poses during the opening credits. Though I suspect that would remain a constant no matter how much pre-show prep I invested.
It sounds like you're suffering from post-con concussion.
I only wish. Then I'd have a reason not to be at work. The luggage mostly landed on my lap, after a brief bounce-and-scrape off my face.
Sounds like you could get a frivolous lawsuit out of it, shrift. He was, after all, warned.
On the way back to Michigan, I had my first experience with a passenger not using caution when opening the overhead compartments, and his luggage fell on my head.
When I saw this, I had to mention the flight where the overhead bin above my head popped open as we were taking off.
Luckily, nothing fell out.
Goes to high-five Kristin. Slips on ice hiding under slush and pratfalls instead.
It's okay. I'm still down here from when I fell the first time it snowed. We can low-five.
Already hate Megan & Heidi, based mostly on their stupid headbands and Barbie hair.)
Yep, those headbands suck.
Jumping in, as usual. I saw the COMMs on porn star names. Is that the first Pet/street-you-grew-up-on version? If so, my porn star name is Ninja 24, which sounds way too much like the name of a really bad hacker to be of any use.
Mine is Scruffy Champlain. Or Whiskers Champlain. Either way it sounds pretty butch.
Mine is Skippy North. I think it may be a little overly perky for the situation.