Lil' Kim jury got strict instructions yesterday not to buy any of the raunchy rapper's CDs - or listen to HOT 97 during her perjury trial. "It's not a good idea to form any opinion about the music that you don't already have," Manhattan Federal Court Judge Gerard Lynch said.
Do you think this means it's okay to listen to Power 105?
Cindy, I was reading too fast and confused Jesse and amych. I think. I seem to be having a confused day.
An hour is totally average. I mean, it's long, but it's not unreasonable. This girl needs a reality check.
One would think, yeah. But then she's from Korea, and I have no idea what the norm is there. (Though, I suspect calling in sick because you slept late is a no-no in any culture.)
Are they just sleeping in, or are they being sacrificed to appease demons?
Good point. I smell hellmouth.
Wright houses are notorious for leaks and so on -..
A famous comment by an owner of a Wright designed home when the roof leaked:
"That's what I get for leaving a work of art out in the rain."
went to the doctor and got an anti-b prescription. The physician assistant - who's like the last minute go to guy, and is a doctor - is very mysterious and inscrutable. He took my temp and didn't tell me if I had a temp or not. I can tell he thinks I talk too much. I've seen him 3 times in the past 2 months and he totally never remembers me. But I like him anyway, which is funny.
I don't know if this is a frivolous use of anti-b's but if it shortens this cold up I don't care. I hope it's not frivolous.
I'm back. I know, you didn't know I was gone. I skipped 2000 messages. The sky is blue. The brain is asleep. The dog howls at midnight.
One would think, yeah. But then she's from Korea, and I have no idea what the norm is there. (Though, I suspect calling in sick because you slept late is a no-no in any culture.)
Well, is the office an hour further away today than it was when she took the job? That's the only norm that should be a factor here.
(Though, I suspect calling in sick because you slept late is a no-no in any culture.)
Yeah, I can't really picture a society where "Sorry, I overslept" is a good excuse to skip work. (But if anyone knows of one, please let me know so that I can move there.)
From what I've heard about south American countries like Brazil, time is approached in a much more fluid manner there.
I had a job at college where I asked the boss if I could go home because I had a hangover. He was fine with it.
It was my first ever hangover too.
Maybe it helped that my boss liked to drink a lot too.
Yo, Dana, I started watching Farscape. Suela feels smug.