Cindy, I was reading too fast and confused Jesse and amych. I think. I seem to be having a confused day.
An hour is totally average. I mean, it's long, but it's not unreasonable. This girl needs a reality check.
One would think, yeah. But then she's from Korea, and I have no idea what the norm is there. (Though, I suspect calling in sick because you slept late is a no-no in any culture.)
Are they just sleeping in, or are they being sacrificed to appease demons?
Good point. I smell hellmouth.
Wright houses are notorious for leaks and so on -..
A famous comment by an owner of a Wright designed home when the roof leaked:
"That's what I get for leaving a work of art out in the rain."
went to the doctor and got an anti-b prescription. The physician assistant - who's like the last minute go to guy, and is a doctor - is very mysterious and inscrutable. He took my temp and didn't tell me if I had a temp or not. I can tell he thinks I talk too much. I've seen him 3 times in the past 2 months and he totally never remembers me. But I like him anyway, which is funny.
I don't know if this is a frivolous use of anti-b's but if it shortens this cold up I don't care. I hope it's not frivolous.
I'm back. I know, you didn't know I was gone. I skipped 2000 messages. The sky is blue. The brain is asleep. The dog howls at midnight.
One would think, yeah. But then she's from Korea, and I have no idea what the norm is there. (Though, I suspect calling in sick because you slept late is a no-no in any culture.)
Well, is the office an hour further away today than it was when she took the job? That's the only norm that should be a factor here.
(Though, I suspect calling in sick because you slept late is a no-no in any culture.)
Yeah, I can't really picture a society where "Sorry, I overslept" is a good excuse to skip work. (But if anyone knows of one, please let me know so that I can move there.)
From what I've heard about south American countries like Brazil, time is approached in a much more fluid manner there.
I had a job at college where I asked the boss if I could go home because I had a hangover. He was fine with it.
It was my first ever hangover too.
Maybe it helped that my boss liked to drink a lot too.
Yo, Dana, I started watching Farscape. Suela feels smug.