"No house should ever be on a hill or on anything. It should be of the hill. Belonging to it. Hill and house should live together each the happier for the other."
Frank Lloyd Wright
The small glimmer is that at least no one was living in the house. It's tragic to lose a landmark but it's worse for people to lose their homes as more often than not, landslide is not covered in most insurance policies (if local news is to be believed).
Though it was common in Boston when I worked there in the 80s.
Sadly, this no longer the case, in my experience.
at least no one was living in the house
Well, no one alive was in the house, but that will always be S3 "stoopidcladdaghringembeddedinmyass" Angel's place to me, even after it is gone.
My porn name is Biscuit Kingsridge, which just doesn't work. If I can use names from when I was a teenger, it would be Duchess Loretta, which is much better.
Update on missing!intern from yesterday, tying into amych's employee troubles: She called me at 10 and said she had to stay home because she overslept.
I appreciate an hour by public transit is a long commute. I appreciate that because I've done it myself. Therefore, I told her to get in here. (And I'm wondering if the person who told her it was okay to take a day off because she overslept, also told amych's person that it was okay to not show up because you didn't want to get up in the morning. What's up with work ethics in kids today, man?)
Edited because Jesse =/ amych.
I appreciate an hour by public transit is a long commute. I appreciate that because I've done it myself. Therefore, I told her to get in here. (And I'm wonderiing if the person who told her it was okay to take a day off because she overslept, also told Jesse's person that it was okay to not show up because you didn't want to get up in the morning. What's up with work ethics in kids today, man?)
I think that was amych's person, but only mention it, because now I'm wondering if I thought I was posting to amych, when I was actually posting to either you or Jesse, Lyra, if that is indeed your name.
Who am I?
I appreciate an hour by public transit is a long commute.
An hour is totally average. I mean, it's long, but it's not unreasonable. This girl needs a reality check.
Duchess Loretta
You'd have to restrict yourself to only starring in stuffy period porn.
I'm getting confused, too, Cindy. So we have one missing intern who slept in, one missing intern who was
to sleep in, and - are there any others missing, AFAWK?
Sometimes interns wander out into the snow and their bodies aren't found until spring.
I think it was Lyra's intern who slept in of her own accord; my student was told she could; and the rest of us are at work but not fully awake anyway.
I never knew interns were such trouble.