My pr0n name is pretty good: Ruff Longstone.
Okay, so it's like a Flintstones porn name, but still.
We gots of the snow. Various and sundry people from work didn't make it in. I took Nyquil last night to sleep and I'm feeling a bit time-distorted this morning, not helped by the fact that my alarm clock managed to get shifted by an hour somehow. My cold and sore throat continues and I am a producer of the
green mucus.
I missed breakfast in my alarm clock/nyquil-induced scramble this morning, so I have hunger, and caffeine deprivation. I've had this cold and sore throat awhile. The run of antibiotics killed the first sinus infection, but the throat thing persisted, so I think the sinus fun may have returned too, not sure. I'm feeling a bit detached and spaced out, but I'm not sure if that's the cold or the cocktail of OTC stuff I'm taking to cope with the crud and still get into work. I should probably eat and caffeinate, that will make me a bit more useful here.
I'd like this cold, etc. to go away. I need to be active this weekend, going off to an SCA event with friends. Blergh.
Were they retouched at all, I wonder? The colour is beautiful.
Dunno, but some almost look colorized.
If I can use any pet and any street I've lived on, the best is probably Pixie Magnolia.
Hey, ita, that's the mansion that Angel hid in, right? After he popped out of the hell dimension.
That's the one, Kat.
A co-worker just came back to the office after six days off. He says he's glad to be back. Excuse me while I go call the men in the nice white coats.
Sad because its a great house, FLW, even.
Though FLW houses aren't always known for their structural integrity.
At least it isn't Hollyhock House which is a fave.
that's the mansion that Angel hid in, right?
Wow, I'm really sad about that house. The BtVS connection makes it personal. I visited that house in 2002 as part of a Buffy sites tour. Damn.
"No house should ever be on a hill or on anything. It should be of the hill. Belonging to it. Hill and house should live together each the happier for the other."
Frank Lloyd Wright
The small glimmer is that at least no one was living in the house. It's tragic to lose a landmark but it's worse for people to lose their homes as more often than not, landslide is not covered in most insurance policies (if local news is to be believed).