Nora, are you all over your bug? How about Tom?
we are sputtering at the end of it. Hey, does anyone know what the various colors of mucus means? Like, does
green mucus
indicate infection?
At this point I'd almost be relieved at infection, because I could take magic pills and make it go away. I'm no antibiotic fan, but I am so weary of being sick.
Vw, you are so awesome.
Nora, green may indicate a virus. I have no color code. Sorry. I hope it finally goes away.
Thick, greenish mucus usually indicates a secondary bacterial infection. Hie thee to a doctor and get some antibiotics. Get better!
adds "call doctor" to to-do list.
Happy St. David's Day!
Thanks, Cashmere. I have a daffodil and a leek on my desk.
(Welsh great-grandfather.)
Justices abolish death penalty for juveniles.
Go Team Supreme Court!
But it does disturb me that the decision was only 5-4.
I'm kind of depressed to live in a country where that many states thought executing teenagers was a good idea. Fucking people.
Yeah. Weren't we the only major industrialized nation to execute teenagers? Actually, aren't we the only major Western industrialized nation to have the death penalty?
I have had periods of green or freakishly yellow snot. In college, I did ask a nurse practitioner about the phenomenon, and she said it was no big whoop.
It being St. Davy's Day, we should all put leeks in our caps, except have you ever noticed how leeks are the one winter vegetable that does not go down in price during the winter? Maybe leeks are such a national treasure that they cannot be grown anywhere but Wales. Maybe we're being gouged by the Aberystywyth Mafia.
I think I'm going to make leek and potato soup tonight to celebrate. With a good loaf of bread.
Damn, I'm hungry and it's nowhere near lunch time.