I can see it both ways, Heather. I'm the sort that comes down on the side of
more information for the parents, but I had a good situation and few secrets.
Kat -- you know, I had to console myself with
"At least Marcus is still alive!"
It's not much, but it's more than Jack or Bobby. It was harsh, and well acted.
Heather, this article makes it look like there's
wiggle room, but not as much as the show used.
So harsh. So well acted. Best part of the episode.
I am hungry. and thirsty.
Please feed me.
Sounds like a trip to House of Pies might be in order.
That article sounds about right to me. I'm on the side of
more confidentiality from a) living in a small Southern town (breaches of propriety, wholesomeness, and general ladylike behavior are not allowed) b) having worked as a clinic escort c) reading Molly Ivins column this sunday. Link below
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. house of pies
Allyson and Lee, play hooky tomorrow! WE can go to house of pies and I can have a liter of iced tea
Also, I agree with Kat about the best part of the episode.
Does anyone have any good iTunes suggestions? Charlie's a little tired of his last playlist. He choked on Jem, so I'm afraid to load him up with that again, but I'm thinking mostly fun, funky, poppy stuff.
I would, but I missed work today as it is. Maybe dinner this week?
A possibility....
I'm feeling like my time is coming to an end, like this is no good.
There was a car chase here. Do those EVER end well for the runner?
Heather, that column is so depressing.