I'm wondering if there's gonna be a web broadcast of the start of Steve Fossett's flight. 'Cuz I read here [link] that his plane has never been tested at the weight it will be when he tries to take off. (The plane's weight at takeoff will be 83% fuel, an unheard of percentage.)
Fossett admitted to a press conference: "It will be very scary to take off in a plane this heavy."
While I hope he makes it. But the voyer in me wants to see what happens....
Penelope is not as curvy as Salma, but she does have curves.
She used to, but she lost them when she transitioned to Foreign Film Star to Hollywood Star. She needs to get back to Spain and eat paella until her figure returns.
They're using the Kansas airport because it has one of the longest runways in the U.S.--two miles long. (It was built for testing Flying Fortresses before they were sent into WWII.) Hopefully, he'll be able to get airborne in those two miles.
Buffy Related News: Seth Green's new animated show on Adult Swim, Robot Chicken,
This is so funny -- on Robot Chicken, Optimus Prime died of prostate cancer, which did not go unnoticed by the National Prostate Cancer Coalition.
Not a fan of the freakish close-up of Jefferson.
I gotta agree. And call me a traditionalist, but I like my dead presidents to be portrayed in profile.
Oooh -- I like it. I like the way his big giant head is off-center and cropped really tightly. The buffalo on the back look like broccoli, though.
They distract you with invented car trouble, then when you bend over to look, they strike!
Update on the ratings for last night's Oscar telecast--down five percent over last year, as opposed to the early figures that said it was up a few percentage points.
This is so funny -- on Robot Chicken, Optimus Prime died of prostate cancer, which did not go unnoticed by the National Prostate Cancer Coalition.
Hee! Okay, I'm almost tempted to throw them a few bucks just for the sense of humor.
Right. So, the database I need to do my work is being updated, and my boss just left early because of the snow. This means I can take a nap now, right?
This means I can take a nap now, right?
Database updates tend to go better if there's napping being done in the vicinity.