Cindy, if you ever watch the More Tales of the City miniseries Colin does an excellent turn as Laura Linney's beau in it.
I will try to remember that, Matt. Thanks.
Cindy -- you also get to see his do you spell that?
I couldn't get a direct hit on However, when I looked up
hoping it would give the Yiddish spelling as an alternate, the third entry down notes
is an alteration of the Yiddish
I never would have guessed that spelling.
You get to see his bum.
You know, it seems unseemly to look at the bum of a friend of a friend, which is a shame, as he appears to be generally scrumptious, and I have no reason to believe his tokhes is any exception.
I'm tempted to buy the keychain and send it to the person who'd be most embarassed to have it. Well, second most, because I think I win that. Maybe my sister .... maybe his sister. Hard to tell.
Would Colin be embarrassed to have it? I don't know his sister, but I know some sisters, and I bet his sister would laugh and laugh.
In other news, I hate the cable companies, and they're second only to the insurance companies in my up-against-the-wall-triage, come the revolution.
Good morning, people.
I see we're talking about Colin. I have never met him, or seen him, before today's googling, but I have definitely heard of him. And that keychain is making me snicker.
This weekend I need to grocery shop, work on my ceramic bust, and do a little writing. I don't really feel like it. Who'd like to hang out, instead?
America's Next Top Model MARATHON on VH-1! I'm totally done for. And I realize that Nicole (?) is the picture I have of amych in my head.
Yiddish for butt is tuchas, I think.
And I realize that Nicole (?) is the picture I have of amych in my head.
amych is totally a top model.
Hec, there is a hair dilemma in Bitches! Hie thee over there stat!
"It's the stay and taunt that gets me every time."
Police said Saturday they have arrested a man they believe is the notorious BTK serial killer who terrorized Wichita throughout the 1970s and then resurfaced about a year ago after 25 years of silence.
Would Colin be embarrassed to have it?
It's been fifteen years, and I haven't worked out what simply embarasses him yet. Still working on it.
Yiddish for butt is tuchas
I may be able to remember this spelling. Will work on it.
Just heard from my mom that my 13-year-old nephew was in the ER all night, getting his hand stitched up. How did he cut his hand, you might ask? He was slicing up a banana with two large knives in an "Iron Chef" imitation, complete with narration. The doctor in the ER found this just as hilarious as the rest of the family does.