If it was deposited by him, with her, I can't see that she deceptively collected it, because he willing engaged in the act with her.
He deposited it in her mouth. No ovaries in there. Just by engaging in oral sex, I don't think that implies the level of responsibility you think accrues with sexual intimacy.
If it was deposited by him, with her, I can't see that she deceptively collected it, because he willing engaged in the act with her
Okay, but what
saying is that
she deceptively collected it, he didn't give it to her, and she's not the owner.
That's what I don't think is grey.
I don't have enough facts to think up scenarios that are kinda like his version, or kinda like hers. So I'm going with a) he was right and b) she was right.
If she did what he alleges, it was morally reprehensible, and maybe there even should be penalties exacted against her. Why should the child give up the right to parental support?
Why should the man be liable for the support of a child? If it is as reported, how is this situation any different from her going down to a sperm bank and making a withdrawal (except that she obtained her sample unethically)? Sperm donors are not liable for support. The woman takes full responsibility for raising the child with out any financial support from the donor in that case.
I still don't see why the child should suffer.
She's a doctor. The child's not at risk of growing up poor. S/he's at risk of having a batshit crazy mother with no sense of ethics, but s/he won't starve.
I don't see how any argument can be made that sperm ejaculated into a condom has been "given" to the other party to do with as s/he chooses. The whole point of a condom is to prevent that kind of transfer of ownership.
To elaborate on DX's point, and my point about kleenex in the trash, I can totally imagine a new, gymnastic form of extortion -- because, I mean, if you're gonna dig through trash, you might as well dig through the trash of really rich people, right?
The number of people who have babies for a wrong reason -- to save a marriage, to "have something of my own," "because all my friends are doing it". It's not that much of a stretch for the truly scummy of this earth to achieve pregnancy in order to cash in in court.
I re-read the article and there's no mention of a condom. I'm having trouble imagining the alleged scenario without it, but that's my limitation.
I'm having reouble imagining the alleged scenario without it, but that's my limitation.
Tupperware container stashed under the bed. For ease of spitting.
I re-read the article and there's no mention of a condom. I'm having trouble imagining the alleged scenario without it, but that's my limitation.
Hmm...I'd say that makes his version of events seem more suspect, but it doesn't change my opinion that if he's telling the truth, he shouldn't have any parental responsibilities.
In a few more years it should be possible to fertilize an egg with DNA taken from a cell other than a germ (i.e. sperm) cell . That would imply that any DNA a guy leaves around (skin, hair, saliva) could be used to turn him into a "father."
That will open up this controversy a bit. I mean, he is the father, right?
In a few more years it should be possible to fertilize an egg with DNA taken from a cell other than a germ (i.e. sperm) cell . That would imply that any DNA a guy leaves around (skin, hair, saliva) could be used to turn him into a "father."
Heck, with that sort of technology, the cells anyone leaves around could turn him or her into a "father".
Guess I'd better get my dandruff under control if I want to keep my blissfully childfree lifestyle.