The point is, in the normal world, oral sex does not lead to pregnancy. There is no causality in the act of oral sex that makes a pregnancy; it requires further action, unrelated to the original sex act, for that to happen.What's the adage? Possession is nine-tenths of the law. In today's world, giving control of semen to another party does sometimes result in the recipient using the semen for conception which happens divorced from the act of sexual intercourse.
If the scenario I'm describing is hinky-but-legal, then the pawing through the trash is the next logical step, innit?Because I think the man should pay child support does not mean I think the woman's actions are blameless. Whether or not what she did is legal, that child is his as well as hers.
Over the years, how many men have complained about paying child support, because they didn't want "that woman" living off of them? Child support is for the child. If, in this case, the woman did what the man alleges, as I said before, I have no problem with him suing her. Whether or not her actions were legal does not change the fact that there is a minor child in this world entitled to support. Why should the mother's actions/misdeeds/crimes terminate the child's right to support? The situation may be unfair, but why should the child bear the burden of that?
I mean, data-miners and expose reporters do it already, so I know that pawing through the trash for stuff you might want is not illegal. And if you do something with the stuff you want, and there are consequences...?I don't see how this analogy fits the situation. I am not trying to be difficult.
A child is entitled to parental support, whether mother lied about taking her pills, or forgot a pill, thought she was already through with menopause, or her tubal ligation/his vasectomy failed, or she got out the turkey baster. The child is entitled to parental support whether the father thought he was sterile and wasn't, or knew he was fertile but lied, or poked a hole in the rubber.
The child support is not for the care and feeding of the custodial parent, and shouldn't be based on the parents' actions. It is for the care and feeding of the child, regardless of which, or whether either biological contributor wanted the child.