Thinking hard here (can you smell the gears burning?) I'm forgetting that Stoker was writing much earlier than I'm used to. His sentence is completely correct. I wasn't thinking of "for" as "in front of," but it was used that way even in English. Just not recently. So, yeah, his sentence translates correctly if you look at it in terms of how things were phrased and word usage
for the time.
And since almost all travel was done by or with horses, then using travel is perfectly fine. It's one of the pitfalls to reading older stories that word usage and phrasing can change so much in just 100 years. Heck, even in 20 years.
eta: Aren't I cute? Talking myself out of being right. AARRGGHH!
Denn die Todten reiten schnell
All plurals of der, die, or das take the "die" form. Der Todten is the dative form of "die," so your misremembrance actually used the correct case! Hee.
why is that feminine, damn it? Why isn't it "das" for neutral?
"die" is used for all plurals regardless of gender - das Kind, die Kinder, etc. I want to say that "Tot" is actually masculine, but I do German noun gender assignation by what sounds right and am therefore often wrong.
I am getting nowhere with this drabble, but it's early, yet.
I'm going to post this link in "Press". But it is a bit of non-fiction writing. I did catch a typo which I'm too late to correct. (Not my blog). I'd welcome comment here on writing style, what works and what doesn't.
Oh, I know, -t! I used to hate it that "madchen" was a neuter noun! Girls aren't neuter, damn it! Then I found out that any word ending in "chen" takes the neuter form. Still, quit trying to unsex me, you nasty gender-assigning language.
Supressing any urge to take part in the discussion of the German language, since I don't speak German.
Heh. That one is easy to remember because of the outrage.
Gar, just be thankful it isn't French. Because, am I remembering "le vagine" correctly? Vagina in French is in the masculine?
Vagina in French is in the masculine?
Oh, now, if that's true, it's just wrong.
Vagina in French is in the masculine?
Boggles some more.
Does that mean all the vaginas belong to men? As in, the male owns the female, therefore, her vagina belonga him? So glad my ancestors got smart and left the country.