6. Psychologist Robert Stoller said, “Masculinity is an achievement.” In other words, “growing up straight isn’t something that happens. It requires good parenting. It requires societal support. And it takes time.”
In other words, all boys wants to be gay and it's up to you to make sure Bobby grows up straight.
I must have skimmed -- is that from the same article? So women playing sports ALSO turns little boys gay? Who knew we had such power!
6. Psychologist Robert Stoller said, “Masculinity is an achievement.” In other words, “growing up straight isn’t something that happens. It requires good parenting. It requires societal support. And it takes time.”
Ok, that's just making me laugh and laugh.
No, it's from the Bad Parenting Makes Boys Gay article, sorry.
edit: I wonder if the author is like Queen Victoria, who refused to acknowledge that lesbians existed. Otherwise, where do they come from? Too many Daddy-Daughter events?
In other words, all boys wants to be gay and it's up to you to make sure Bobby grows up straight.
That's right gay men are the result of good parenting. Apparently, good parenting also makes gay women. I guess it all evens out.
In other words, all boys wants to be gay and it's up to you to make sure Bobby grows up straight.
This seems to be the position of a fair subset of columnists -- everybody would OBVIOUSLY be gay if they had a choice in the matter, so it's your job to impose heterosexuality on a reluctant substrate.
Cause girls? Both icky and confusing.
all boys want to be gay
Doesn't shrift subscribe to this theory?
growing up straight isn’t something that happens
Our poor ancestors. For thousands of generations they had het sex, against their will, just to produce us. What sacrifice.
“The truth is, Dad is more important than Mom. Mothers make boys. Fathers make men.
For something totally different, I'm working on an architectural library. This title strikes me as a good title for a manga or something:
Precast Concrete High School