I just had to send a snarky letter to the editor regarding a review of Bride and Prejudice in a local paper. The reviewer referred to the film as a "welcome rendition of Victorian literature".
Thank you thank you thank you.
Didja tell them Victoria wasn't even
yet when P&P was published?
S-i-l, the one who just had breast cancer a couple of years ago, just had her hysterectomy. The took some lymph nodes, too. The tumors on her ovary are ovarian cancer (not all cancer on ovaries is). I don't know anything else. Her husband was crying too hard to say too much to m-i-l. M-i-l too stoic to say too much to me.
strength to your family Cindy...
Oh, Cindy. Strength and health to the family. Did they say whether it had spread to the lymph nodes?