But I will be instantaneously sullen and destructive if someone exhorts me to participate in any way other than giving notes.
This usually me, but I ADORED getting asked up onstage at Ricky Jay's show and sitting at a table with him while he dealt a rigged poker game. All that card genius is even cooler close up!
Okay, I take it back. To watch Ricky Jay up close, I would do ANYTHING.
Was this in LA, Robin, or did you fly to New York?
I just had to send a snarky letter to the editor regarding a review of Bride and Prejudice in a local paper. The reviewer referred to the film as a "welcome rendition of Victorian literature".
I think sex is more complicated than death.
Hell, we'll all die some day, but not everyone manages to get laid.
Then you take sex, and change it into a power play?
This was when I lived in NY. BF and I were picked from the audience and he dealt a poker game and explained everything as he did it and I was a foot away and STILL I couldn't figure out how he did it. It was also fun because it was early on in our dating life and it was kinda cool to be picked as a couple.
and I was a foot away and STILL I couldn't figure out how he did it.
This is considered to be the greatest form of sleight of hand. Only five or six people in the world can really do this.
Ricky Jay is the coolest.
some of the rape scenarios were more stressful than anything we do normally.
It's pretty hardcore. One of the kinds of scenarios Model Mugging has is called a reversal. The muggee lies on the ground as if asleep in bed or on a beach or something and the attacker pins her. You have to go from being completely passive to effectively responding to the attack. In my level 1 graduation class I was lying down and the mugger got on top of me and started telling me to spread my legs and all kinds of nasty stuff. I only know this because I have a tape of the graduation. The whole time he was pinning me and spewin' the filth I was looking for an opening so I could begin to fight him. Which I found and took advantage of quickly. (By "he" I mean the character the puffy guy instructor was playing. The instructor wanted me to succeed in beating the crap out of him.)
Actually being the one who was attacked in that situation was actually much easier than watching myself on tape being attacked. Because during the attack I was focused on what
needed to do to get out of the situation--not responding to what he wanted me to do. What he wanted was for me to get so scared and freaked out by what he was saying that I would freeze and do nothing to defend myself.
Ricky Jay is the coolest.
WHY isn't he on Deadwood this season?! I loved him and his character.