Yelling by itself is an awesome self-defense tool. Using your voice to defend yourself and set boundaries is one of the first things they teach in Model Mugging-- now called Impact
And it was the main weapon I used to defend myself when I was attacked in my home a few years back. The memory of yelling during fights (both my own and cheering my classmates on) came right back to my lungs and my voice. And I told the guy to "Get the fuck out of my house" in the deepest, demony voice ever. I also clawed the guys face and would have kicked the shit out of him if he hadn't run away.
My mind wasn't even working at the time (except I was super angry at him and pissed when he ran off because I wanted to "finish" the fight aka knock him unconcious) but it was all in my muscle memory. From the Model Mugging class I'd taken 6 years before.
I would rather eat crushed glass.
I mean, I adore improv -- it's my favourite form of comedy. But I will be instantaneously sullen and destructive if someone exhorts me to participate in any way other than giving notes.
It's a thing.
We're starting to incorporate classes based on Model Mugging into our offerings -- using verbal self defense isn't something we've traditionally stressed. Mostly, I can't wait to beat up the guy in the puffy suit.
I've felt that adrenaline surge and watched my body move in a physical response that had nothing to do with my intellectual understanding of the situation
Adrenaline dumps are scary things. It's what happens in the next heartbeat that can dictate the outcome.
I don't want to participate in any show. I don't want to singalong. My theory is that if I'm supposed to perform, I should be paid.
We're starting to incorporate classes based on Model Mugging into our offerings -- using verbal self defense isn't something we've traditionally stressed. Mostly, I can't wait to beat up the guy in the puffy suit.
YAY!!!!!!!! YOU WILL LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!@!!!!!!
And I totally want to try krav now. But the only place I can find in Baltimore seems to be for police training only or something...I haven't looked that hard yet though.
Mostly, I can't wait to beat up the guy in the puffy suit.
It's all about the simple pleasures.
It's all about the simple pleasures.
A puffy suit guys gave me one of the greatest compliments of my life when I was assisting an Impact class a couple of years ago. He said I kicked harder than anybody else in the class. (He just said it to me, he didn't make anybody else feel bad by saying it.) I'm not a very athletic person and I was never the
fighter in any class so it really meant a lot to me.
YOU WILL LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!@!!!!!!
The Model Mugging trainers came in and worked with some of our black belt instructors. Apparently it was instructional for both parties -- the MM people weren't used to that level of KILLKILLKILL, and the krav people weren't used to the idea of verbal defense, plus some of the rape scenarios were more stressful than anything we do normally.
They showed the rest of the instructors the tapes last week. I ... I cried. It was so beautiful. I'm tearing up right now -- watching the instructors
tear into
the attackers, and hearing them say "It worked. The stuff we're teaching was reflexive. And! We got to beat the crap out of them!" gave us all chills. God, and we laughed too. The looks of fierce determination, the tricksy stuff, and the just plain grab-and-headbutt or "count the groin strikes" -- I'm getting chills right now.
Sadly, the seminars we're going to offer feature our instructors in the suits, and they need to get practice being hit by newbies before they let us more experienced folk whale on them.
some of the rape scenarios were more stressful than anything we do normally.
Fascinating. Death is fine, six attackers in a dark alley is fine, being drunk is fine, but rape is Too Much.
I am paying the actors to be on the other side of the stage. Really. If I wanted to be a performer, I'd be off doing civic theater. I am not a performer. I am a performee.