Yay, Deena, on the good PT and a reasonable Client, and possible more billing hours.
The only computer game I play is Spider Solitaire, which gives you a big ol' clue to *my* nature.
The only way I manage to stay within my budget is to use cash in hand. The ATM ate my card years ago, and I never got it replaced. So every time I need cash I have to find a place to park, walk in, and write my tiny little check--this branch of the CU doesn't have a drive-through. If I can't pay for it with what I have in my hand, I don't get to have it.
I do online bill-paying though, and am thrilled with it. And yes, my standard of living has... I prefer the word "simplified" to "lowered," thanks.
In that vein, we've taken another step back technology-wise, too. We were using pump antibacterial hand soap in the kitchen and bath, and liquid body wash in the shower. In the last few months we'd changed to a non-antibacterial hand soap, and I'd found the body wash stripped my skin. I experimented till I found olive oil and goats milk soaps that don't do that, so I've been using bar soap in the bath, and my skin is happy.
Except for my hands, which were feeling stripped after every time I washed my hands. Applying lotion only to wash my hands again every 20 minutes or so was getting old. And expensive. So we've ditched the liquid hand soap in favor of the olive oil bar soap on the sinks, too. My hands are now as happy as the rest of me.
Now all I have to do is find a good bar soap rack that will drain the bar, and will fit on the edges of the kitchen and bathroom sinks.
While I was looking for soap racks at Whole Foods, I found some skin balms and salves that *don't* contain lanolin or petrolatum, for lips, hands, and body. Two from the Common Sense line, Lemon Cypress and Jojoba Rose, plus Whole Foods' lavender and lemon verbena, and Badger Tangerine Breeze. I smell like heaven, right now.
I've got, you know, Wire links up the ying, if you want them, to know what's the what on it. Because I'm now a "Save My Show" geek. Although this may be the first "Save My Show, Bitch!" campaign ever.
Netflix has the first two seasons.
(/show pimping because I want my show back, damn it!)
I've got The Wire, Deadwood, and Farscape on my Netflix rotation right now. I tried The Shield, but it just seemed so...cluttered and busy compared to The Wire.
I need to find a place to get The Wire cheap, I want to watch it several times and I hate letting the disks go back to Netflix.
Hmm. TIme to play with my Netflix queue. (z/=x)
Take THAT you Universe Bitch!
Eternal Sunshine was without a case, sitting on my dvd shelf. The Eternal Sunshine case had Princess Diaries 2 in it. Princess Diaries 2 had Simpsons Season 5 Disc 3. Simpsons had the Sarah McLachlan Afterglow Live cd. Afterglow had Sims 2. I win!
Puts dvd in laptop and waves goodbye. Just for a little while.
Woo-hoo, Lilty! Way to kick the universe in the teeth!
My husband does that with CDs and their cases. It drives me crazy.
Go Lilty. -t, my husband does that (just to drive me crazy) too. Argh. How hard is it to put them where they belong?
For those of you interested, Staples has desks on sale right now. I'm spending my income tax refund before I get it, as usual.
Have groceries in the house, 2 hours before dinner, time for me to get some more work done.
Deena, there is a post in my LJ you should look at, about my Ohio trip. (One more month!)
Also, right-wing, imo.
"The Wire" is a good lefty show. And our leads are hotter.(What? A woman can't be political all the time, and who wants to see Chiklis naked?)
Or maybe given the "Munch is hot!" summer lj mini-kerfuffle, I should just say I don't want to see Chiklis naked, and I look very forward to looking at Stringer and McNulty.
Slashers? We've got canonical M/M and F/F, too.
(They so need me in the promotion department...that visual novel thing is all very well, but I know why people watch shows, really, really.)
For those of you interested, Staples has desks on sale right now.
And Staples delivers!
If you want to use liquid soap, Bev, I'll pimp my favorite soap, which I've used for years for--Dr. Bronner's. It's very mild liquid soap made with olive oil. I like the peppermint. As it says in the deranged ramblings on the bottle, "ENJOY ONLY 2 COSMETICS, enough sleep & Dr. Bronner's 'Magic Soap' to clean body-mind-soul-spirit instantly uniting One! All-One! Absolute cleanliness is Godliness!" It's also pretty cheap, particularly if you buy the large sizes. Health food stores usually have it, and some of the grocery stores and big drug store chains have started to.