For those of you interested, Staples has desks on sale right now.
And Staples delivers!
If you want to use liquid soap, Bev, I'll pimp my favorite soap, which I've used for years for--Dr. Bronner's. It's very mild liquid soap made with olive oil. I like the peppermint. As it says in the deranged ramblings on the bottle, "ENJOY ONLY 2 COSMETICS, enough sleep & Dr. Bronner's 'Magic Soap' to clean body-mind-soul-spirit instantly uniting One! All-One! Absolute cleanliness is Godliness!" It's also pretty cheap, particularly if you buy the large sizes. Health food stores usually have it, and some of the grocery stores and big drug store chains have started to.
Dr. Bronner's is good stuff. For a while there, it was our only soap, used it for cleaning ourselves, our clothes, our dishes, everything. Good for camping, too, because it's concentrated and biodegradable.
I was catching up in COMM, and I thought I'd tell y'all seeing stuff like this:
I think I saw a tiny Mary Baker Eddy founding Christian Science.
always gives me pause. That's my step-dad's family.
I'll check it out, Ginger. (and -t) I'll check it out. Meanwhile, I'm slathered in Jojoba Rose, and I feel and smell delicious!
Your stepfather is related to Mary Baker Eddy?
I am wearing my new $9.99 racer-back bra I got at Target yesterday, and it is the comfiest bra EVER! I now want a whole bunch more. Thank to the Bitches who recommended Target for the boobular containment items.
Eternal Sunshine was without a case, sitting on my dvd shelf. The Eternal Sunshine case had Princess Diaries 2 in it. Princess Diaries 2 had Simpsons Season 5 Disc 3. Simpsons had the Sarah McLachlan Afterglow Live cd. Afterglow had Sims 2. I win!
It's the Six Degrees of DVDs/CDs.
It's the Six Degrees of DVDs/CDs.
She gets bonus points for only taking 4.
I have ginger snaps! Yay!
But do you have
Ginger Snaps
? Speaking of Netflix.
I have ginger snaps! Yay!
On my first scan, I saw "I have ginger! Snaps!" And I thought, wow, -t is more hip-hop/gay than I.